Children of Sandbox in Sandbox Web

Results from Sandbox web retrieved at 12:28 (GMT)

About this tutorial This tutorial's examples are done in Devuan Stable 5.0 ( Daedalus ) (based on debian stable 12.0 (bookworm) . The Devuan is running on a qemu...
Installation of Devuan GNU/Linux distro on a Personal Computer What do we need Needed: A Personal Computer (x86 architecture) A not so trivial process To my per...
What is LTSP LTSP allows a user to use a personal computer as Human Computer Interface Terminal (HCIT). LTSP5 in Devuan Devuan stable contain LTSP5 and not LTSP1...
Accessing NFS shares Description of workflow Preconditions: A functional LAN. A Devuan host with a NFS server A Devuan host with a...
What network interfaces we have at the hardware level ? # ip addr show Main.ChomWitt 02 Oct 2024
Utilities to handle basic networking Wired Wireless $ sudo apt file x search ".*/iw$" iw: /sbin/iw $ /sbin/iw dev // Find out the wireless device name. Chec...
This is a list of files from the old wiki. If any of this should be included in the new one please tell Plentyn. * ./users * ./users/onefang * ./users/on...
Virt manager setup : I will stop updating this page because i found a way to use qemu in cli with more simpler setup. Enable Virtualization in your PC UEFI/BIO...
Devuan Wiki's Sandbox web
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Number of topics: 13
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